Friday, June 6, 2008

Just an interesting excerpt from Robert Shemin. Best selling, Wall Street

Journal Author and now Author of the brand new, hugely successful book, "How Come That Idiot's Rich

and I'm Not?" The interview today is going to be a very special one because it will be Robert talking about

his own personal intimate journey. From his earliest beginnings to now, when he is not only a rich idiot

himself, but is making thousands of others rich idiots as well. Welcome, Robert.

SHEMIN: I think number one and let me be very clear about this cause a lot of people work with me and

know my business. You know we're not perfect by any means but we're trying. And everyone I work with

and involve with I'll say number one is put people first. Put people first. Put the client first. Put the

customer first. I believe, both on a practical matter business, money and a spiritual matter that if you pray

for somebody else, or you help somebody else, you're prayers will be answered twice as fast. Let me say that again. If you put other people first, and I'm not saying, be co-dependent or don't get weird on anybody,

but you will get what you want. Now you're not helping other people for selfish reasons of getting what you

want, but you understand that that's generally how the Universe works.


This is the second article read in a short span of 2 days, resonating the same idea.

2 different articles from 2 different rich people from US, saying the same thing.